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  • C++

  • C#

  • JavaScript​


Unreal Engine

  • AI Development

  • User Interface

  • Gameplay

  • Animation

  • Networking​


California State San Bernardino​

Game Programming Mastery Course​


Vehicle and Gameplay Programmer

Maximum Velocity

Unight LLC / May 2023 – Present


  • Specialized in programming game mechanics for Unreal Engine's Chaos vehicle system

  • Programmed animations correlating for the chaos vehicle to go with gameplay mechanics.

  • Improve systems for online ranked gameplay such as reward system based on in game player statistics.

  • Developed multiplayer game modes involving replicated physics, game state and game mode communication between clients, and dynamic UI for player accessibility.

  • Created a loot system surrounding the Procedural Content Generation toolset, allowing for dynamic loot and resource pooling.

  • Engineered competitive racing AI for Chaos Vehicle System, with the use of EQS and spline data for intelligent decision-making and enhanced navigation.


Gameplay Programmer

 Unannounced Title

Post Card Game Studio / April 2022 – March 2023

  • Blueprint scripting and programming in C++ (e.g., characters, controllers, abilities, input, blueprint node creation)

  • Engineered gameplay systems for AI encounters, including behaviors and progression using Behavior Trees and HTN.

  • Created tools to instantiate and edit world encounters.

  • Program SFX, VFX, and animations for characters from environment events (e.g., footsteps, damage reactions).

  • Debug and profile systems for both PC and PlayStation 5.

  • Develop gameplay mechanics based on the Gameplay Ability System (e.g., manipulation of character states through Gameplay Attributes and Effects).

  • Assisted with UI functionality (e.g., game menus, player HUD stats, interactive objects.)


Splatterville Mayhem


Third person adventure shooter I developed with a group using Unreal Engine. Players are tasked to find items on the map in the given time frame while battling through the town’s crazy residents.


My contributions include:

  • AI (Behavior Tree, AI Perception sense)

  • UI Programming (Main Menu, Volume Settings)

  • Gameplay (Random loot spawns)


Wild Dead West


  • 3D zombie survival shooter I developed in Unity. Player must kill enough zombies before escaping the area. This project I learned the options to increase performance such as:

  • Occlusion culling

  • Objecting pooling (enemies, projectiles)

Downloadable copy 

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